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Fungsi Needle Valve dan aplikasi graphite untuk media steam (uap)
Fungsi Needle Valve dan Konstruksi body Fungsi Needle Valve Fungsi needle valve adalah yang terutama digunakan dalam sistem perpipaan untuk mengatur aliran fluida (Flow control) disamping itu juga dapat digunakan untuk menutup (sioalation).Secara fungsi

Penggunaan Tubing Clamp serta komponen-komponen pembentuknya.
Tubing Clamp Pengenalan Tubing clamp sangat diperlukan untuk installasi pipa, dan jenis jenis bervariasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan. berikut disamping ini kami memberikan gambar beberapa jenis clamp. Tujuan Penggunaan Tubing clamp dirancang untuk sebagai fitur

Apakah itu Pressure Regulator Valve, kegunaannya serta Bagaimana cara kerjanya
Apakah itu Pressure Regulator Valve, kegunaannya serta Bagaimana cara kerjanya Pengetahuan Dasar tentang Pressure Regulator Valve Pressure Regulator Valve adalah suatu Valve yang digunakan untuk mengurangi dan mengstabilkan tekanan pada sisi outlet dan mempertahankan

Diaphragm Regulators Miniature RDCC Series
Miniature Diaphragm Regulators RDCC Series RDCC Series Introduction Miniature Diaphragm Regulators RDCC Series Miniature Diaphragm Regulators RDCC Series feature a single-stage pressure reduction design with a combination of metal diaphragm and free poppet. This

Diaphragm Regulators Miniature Tied RTCC Series
Diaphragm Regulators Miniature Tied RTCC Series Introduction Diaphragm Regulators Miniature Tied Diaphragm Regulators Miniature Tied RTCC Series feature a single-stage pressure reduction design. Their tied diaphragm construction provides positive shutoff. With no threads or

What is Pressure Reducing Regulator
Pressure Reducing Regulator Pressure Reducing Regulator Basic Knowledge The function of a pressure reducing regulator is to precisely reduce a high upstream pressure of a gas or liquid (from a cylinder, compressor, pump, etc.)

General Tied Diaphragm Regulators RTGC Series
General Tied Diaphragm Regulators RTGC Series Introduction RTGC Series General Tied Diaphragm Regulators feature a single-stage pressure reduction design. Their tied diaphragm construction provides positive shutoff.With no threads or springs in wetted areas, these

Jenis-jenis Elbow Tube dan cara penggunaanya
Elbow Tube Fittings Pendahuluan Dalam sistem perpipaan terdapat beberapa jenis sambungan pipa sebagai berikut bentuk alur lurus, siku, tee dan empat alur.Jenis sambungan bentuk siku ini banyak digunakan untuk sistem pipa atau Tubing. Pada

What is Single Stage Regulator Diaphragm
Single Stage Regulator Diaphragm Pressure regulators reduce an inlet pressure to a desire outlet pressure and maintain this outlet pressure even with fluctuations in the inlet pressure, and they are widely use in various

What is the Jacketed tube function
Jacketed Tubing-TJT Series Introduction Jacketed Tubing should offer reliable protection from corrosives fluids and meet additional requirements. Jacketed Tubing must be durable, that is, it resists impact, abrasion and degradation by UV radiation. It

How to understand Insulated tubing specification
Insulated tubing-TIT Series Introduction Insulated tubing is a thermally insulated transportation line suitable for steam, gas or liquid transport. Metal process tube Moisture-resistant, non-wicking, inorganic fibrous glass thermal insulation Weather protective, flame retardant, lead-free,

What is Union Tube fittings and technical information
Union Tube Fittings Pengenalan Union Tube Union Tube banyak digunakan sebagai fitting penyambung untuk tubing, dalam banyak kasus instrumentasi tubing lurus(straight) menggunakan panjang maksimal 6 meter atau 20 kaki. Selain itu tubing lurus(straight) juga