Weld Fitting
Weld Fitting sizes range from 1/8″ to 2″ and 6 mm to 38 mm.
Radius junction design with elbows to provide smooth flow path
Precision machined diameter therefore match tube diameter.
Square, burr-free tube weld ends to enhance alignment.
316 stainless steel material is standard; other materials are available on request.
Maximum working temperature is 1000 °F (538°C)
Each fitting marked with size, material and heat code
Dimensions are for reference only and are subject to change.
Welding of the same material is more advisable considering the same coefficients of expansion, lower possibility of weld, out-of-roundness or dimensional changes.
Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG) is recommended.
Type :
Tube Butt Weld
Tube Socket Weld
Pipe Butt Weld
Pipe Socket Weld
Weld Adapters
Pipe to Weld
Technical Data
Sizes range from 1/8″ to 2″ and 6 mm to 38 mm.
Working Temperature:

Working Pressure Weld Fitting:
The working pressures shown are based on ANSI/ASME B31.3 at ambient temperature, to determine working pressures in accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.1, multiply the working pressures by 0.94.
Use the allowable working pressure at ambient temperature to multiply the elevated temperature factors to get the working pressure at elevated temperature

Outlet Fittings
- Manufactured according to MSS SP-97
- Variety of sizes, configurations and materials available to connect with run pipes of different sizes and materials
- Full flow and equalization of stress
- Corrosion allowance and variation in accordance with those of the main pipe
- Tested according to ASME codes on pressure piping